Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Julie and Julia Marketing Challenge

I recently visited Chapters this weekend. There's something that bothers me about visiting Chapters. Whenever I visit Chapters I come to the conclusion that I want to read every book in the business section but I can never find the time. Sometimes I buy books, but they sit on my shelf for months until I actually get around to it. I need to take action about this. Something needs to be done. I'm going to challenge myself. I'll call it the Julie and Julia Marketing Challenge.

If you haven't seen the movie, here's an overview:

Julie (main character) loves to cook, and she really looks up to Julia Child. Julia Child is a french cook that has written many books and is basically a cooking genius. She can cook anything. Julie challenged herself to cook one of Julia Child's recipes every day for a year. The movie captures Julie's frustrations, accomplishments, and personal growth throughout this period of time. I'm going to apply the same concept, but to marketing. I one day hope to be a marketing genius, and I realize I am nowhere close. This is why I am challenging myself to read a marketing book every week for a year. Regardless of how busy I am with exams, midterms, and extracurriculars, there will be no exceptions. I have decided to do this and I'm sticking to it.

Bring it on. 

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