Tuesday, August 16, 2011

First Impressions

It's funny how they say "never judge a book by its cover," when a large majority of the population does (myself included). I've been thinking a lot about first impressions these days. What is the best way I can make a good first impression at a networking event? How can I look as professional and polished as possible? Since first impressions are on the forefront of my mind, I couldn't help but develop an opinion on the following book:

What do you think of when you see this book? Would you purchase it? 

I certainly wouldn't. I find the front cover difficult to read. You think that a book on presentation skills wouldn't have a hyphenated word on its cover. Why would I want to take advice from a book that looks so sloppy? Especially when presentations need to be organized and easy to follow. 

I'm not trying to sound pessimistic; I'm simply stating the facts. Consumers make decisions about products based on their aesthetics, packaging, and branding everyday. I'm a living example of this. I'm sure T.J. Walker has some good content in this book, but unfortunately his branding efforts don't measure up. 

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