Sunday, January 30, 2011

Advertising Week- Next Generation Day

On January 26th I took part in Next Generation Day, which was a one day conference of the week long "Advertising week" that is held on an annual basis. 

I ended up visiting the ad agency Bos for the afternoon. There we worked and brainstormed on two accounts that they are currently working on. It was nice to have insight into how they actually approach a new project as a team. The experience was very beneficial for me. Bos seems like it'd be a cool place to work.

Here's some of the stuff that we had a look at when we were at Bos:

Rona wanted to communicate to its customers that they recycle paint. This video shows a billboard that was somewhere in Quebec, and although it was a localized effort, it received great amounts of press. Rona was able to effectively communicate to customers that it recycles paint on a low budget. Apparently they had to take it down after a day because of legal issues perhaps? Who knows! Regardless, pretty cool.

This billboard was for fruit burst candies and was implemented in New Zealand. Really cool... yet probably illegal to implement in Canada or the U.S. I can see some issues with candies flying everywhere? lawsuits?

There were a series of commercials that Bos created for Mac's WTF "what the froster" slushies. The slushie didn't taste like anything recognizable to customers, hence the name. Mac's saw slushie revenues increase significantly after these commercials were launched (I can't remember the exact number, I want to say 50% increase?) Anyway, the commercials aren't really my type of humour, but it seemed to have worked for Macs. 

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