Thursday, August 11, 2011

Tis the season for recruiting

School is fast approaching, and so is full-time recruitment season at the Richard Ivey School of Business. In order to prepare myself for the chaotic months that are approaching, I'm spending all my spare time preparing cover letters, brushing up on interview skills, and strengthening my personal brand. 

Last year I received business cards from school. The business cards displayed my name, contact information, and the Ivey logo in the upper right-hand corner. The Ivey logo is recognizable, and symbolizes one of the best business schools in Canada. However, there is a downfall to using this card; all of my peers have them! A business card is something that you can be remembered by. Unfortunately this statement doesn't hold true if 525 other students have the exact same card design, and attend all the same events that you do.

I want to stand out a little, so I decided to ditch the Ivey business cards and design my own. The only problem I'm facing now is which one to choose. 

Option #1: Clean and simple.

Option #2: Seth Godin, my inspiration.

I strongly prefer one over the other, but don't want to sway your decision. (Please ignore the thick border around each of the images, this is formatting that remains consistent throughout my blog).

Thanks for reading, your feedback, and for helping me stand out.

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