Saturday, August 13, 2011

McDonalds- Product offerings aligned with branding strategy?

I volunteer as a marketing assistant for a local business (momstown KW, check it out!). In my most recent meeting with the owner, she expressed concern about McDonald's iced coffees. Unfortunately, McDonald's iced coffees are made with milk. 

So what? 

This means that those who are lactose intolerant cannot enjoy a delicious $2 iced coffee from McDonalds (unless you take lactaid pills of course, but who really likes drugging their body...). After contacting McDonalds numerous times informing them that they should provide soy milk, a healthy, lactose free alternative, my colleague has still yet to receive any feedback.

I decided to do some investigating of my own, and see if McDonald's product offerings are aligned with their overall business strategy. In particular, I decided to investigate the possibility of McDonald's providing iced coffees made with soy milk as opposed to regular milk.
  • 308,745,538: U.S. Population as of 2010
  • 72.4%: The number of caucasian people living in America
  • 13,411,906 - 33,529,766: The number of lactose intolerant caucasian Americans. 
This means that McDonald's is ignoring at least 13 million consumers by providing their iced coffees made with normal milk.  

I then looked to McDonald's website in order to see what they had to say about their menu choices, and strategy.

"We have to be customer-centric and follow trends and the way people are eating. We have to be careful we don't forget about taste and fun, and we need to offer a choice... How we approach it at McDonald's is to make sure there's a balance on our menu, a wide range of items to suit a wide range of needs."

        -Chef Dan Coudreaut, Executive Chef and Director of Culinary Innovation, McDonalds

If there is a consumer trend that is prominent today, it's healthy living. Isn't soy extremely healthy for you? Is McDonald's really catering to a "wide range of needs" by ignoring those who are lactose intolerant? Thoughts?


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